Friday, December 19, 2008

One week old and full of smiles


Isabel Clarissa
Born 12/12/08 at 9.40pm EST
Weight: 8 lbs 4.5 oz
Length: 21.5"

She was a big, BIG surprise, as we were expecting a 6lb boy! Matter of fact, when they announced that "It's a Girl!!" I was like, "What???" and immediately looked down at her for confirmation....

We definitely got our surprise.

I never knew that I can love someone so much (regardless of the sleepless nights, the poopy diapers and her very very VERY prominent wail...wonder who she got that from?)

But she's my little angel/PITA and I love her more that I can even comprehend.


mrika said...

hi there ... i got your link from Ling's blog and have been following your blog for bout a month or so.

congratulations on your newborn girl! a pretty name she has. :-)

bagfashionista said...

Thanks so much!! =D