Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Week 38 and some House Updates

What's happening underneath that bump?

The baby is now nearing 7lbs in weight and is less than 20" long - he/she may be gaining an ounce a day now as fat for life outside your uterus. His/her intestines are accumulating lots of meconium and the creamy, white coating called vernix that formed to protect your baby's skin from fluid is now disappearing. The lanugo downy hair that also protects the skin is also going away as your baby prepares to be born. The circumference of the head and the baby's abdomen are about the same.

Well....apparently I have a few silent readers here! *waves hello* I guess that's good to know that I have the ability to lure a few unsuspecting victims in! Or you guys use it to lull yourself to a state of drowsiness so you can have a good night's sleep??! ?Hmmmmmm......

The past couple of weeks have been filled with never ending "little" projects to prepare the house for our guests. And most of the tasks are smelly. So poor John has to do most of them, as baby really protests when I inhale the scent. Such a little brat!

The bathtub was reglazed, the bathroom floor "redone" (taking that word in lightly.....I doubt that HGTV would approve), and the floors for the whole downstairs was recoated with a protective layer (we have hardwood floors and we basically just resealed it). Sounds simple enough, but not when you realized that you have to move ALL the furniture out of the way first. Whoever said that a pregnant woman is unable to do much have obviously never met me. Although, again, I have to say that kiddo was not happy with all the lifting going on. Tough. He/she will have to learn that life's not going to be all about him/her sooner or later.

I just realized that I've never shown any pictures of the house....And figured that I might as well, as we've worked our butts off to have it ready....and additionally, our house will probably never be this clean again for the next year...or is it the next 10?


Chuff said...

nice laaaaaar :P

bagfashionista said...

damn right! *pffff*...we worked our butts off =p

Although, it doesn't look like that anymore....*sigh* There's just something about being a hermit that appeals to me

Anonymous said...

WOW! What a great job! :)