Sunday, February 21, 2010

New Do...

Her hair is long enough to "style".


I don't know...I'm not sure if it's particularly flattering...Perhaps a little tweak to soften her head shape features...


Her daddy says that she looks cute no matter what...


Now, that's love!


MrsKBJ said...

She looks adorable!! Madison went through a stage where she wouldn't let me put anything in her hair. She still will pull clips out right away, but keeps the little elastics in most if the time.

julie said...

she looks so stinkin cute!

Amber said...

aww so cute!

Pearly said...

Reminds me of someone else ( or two someone else) who had a "coconut tree" on the top of the head!

Jenny said...

Remind me to get feathers for her pigtails!She is co darned cute!