I haven't done this in awhile, and figured I probably should.
Izzy is now 2 years, 6 months and 19 days old.
I have a 2 1/2 year old. How did that happen?
She's been potty training for awhile now - just some lacksidaisal approach, but now that she's moved into the potty training room at daycare, I've been trying to be more diligent about it.
To help things, she's got new underwear. Dora underwear, no less. Which she loves.
Although she pees in them, which I don't love.
She fights bedtime like there's no tomorrow. Why do kids do this? Then she'll wake up (late) all whiny because she's tired.
She's talking. Really talking. We hold actual conversations. Her favorite comeback these days?
"You're not the teacher. I'm the teacher"
To which I reply, "No, I'm not the teacher. I'm Momma"
Other conversations:
Momma: I'm tired. I want to cuddle
Izzy: Daddy's not here. Izzy's here. I'm sorry, momma
Momma: Do you want to wear these?
Izzy: NO
Momma: Which one do you want to wear? You pick
Izzy: Ummm.........hmmmmm.........................this one. It has hearts.....and pockets....and it fits just nice.
Something I taught her as we went into alternate weekends with her daddy:
Momma: When you miss Momma and you can't find Momma, where's Momma?
Izzy: In my heart.
She loves her babies, and will give them story time, circle time, potty time and take them out for walks.
I bought a stroller from a yard sale so she has an outside stroller that she'll use when we go for walks around the neighbourhood.
She's a pouter. Especially when she doesn't get what she wants.
She gets over it pretty quickly. Thank goodness. But there are times where she doesn't. And that's not so fun.
She loves music, and she dominates the radio in the car. We listen to stories, or nursery rhymes
She loves the playground. As do most kids, I suppose. When in the swings, she'll say "Push me, momma. I want to go up to the sky!"
She is the love of my life, my purple sunshine and the biggest pain in my patootie.
And I love her. Very much, indeed