Sunday, March 03, 2013


Random pictures of from my camera and phone that I never got around to posting...


Isabel with some of her friends at her school's Christmas pageant last year...she has bits of cannoli still on her mouth and teeth, I notice...

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My favorite view in the house is of this hallway. Something about it is just so serene.
Probably due to the lack of clutter!

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Have been starting to bake again and enjoying a proper tea time

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Isabel loves scones. Or rather, she loves butter and doesn't mind the jam and the scone.

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Made them rather flat today...I think I confused the thickness with another recipe when rolling it out.


Got a nighttime visitor in the middle of the night this week...sadly, it wasn't Jeremy Renner or Shane Filan...I suppose Isabel would be the next best thing! Certainly was when I woke up in the morning and snoggled her chubby cheeks!

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I shall be very sad when she looses her baby fat


Poor Melly has to suffer through the indignity of trying on Isabel's clothes that she has outgrown.

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She does take whatever we dish out to her with much patience though. She's a very sweet girl...

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Who has obviously adjusted pretty well to life off the streets...


Changed the sheets back to white, in anticipation of the upcoming brightens up the whole room

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Isabel looking like a 60s mod girl

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Dug out my old Polaroid pictures from perhaps 10 years ago.... Pictures of people who mean a lot to me, past and present

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Finally had time to drop in to the library this weekend and got my usual ambitious pile of books checked out.

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The scary thing is that I do go through it all in a couple of weeks, with weekly visits to drop off those that I have finished and to pick up new ones. a reader.



Trying out the reds...I think I may like them better than the whites.

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I don't really imbibe in alcoholic beverages. The only drinks I crave are hot, milky teas; soy cappuccinos and diet coke lime. But those don't look so good displayed.


1 comment:

msihua said...

Love random posts :) And I love Daph's really big LOU POH words on the photo... hee hee hee