Sunday, November 16, 2008

Week 36

What's happening underneath that bump?

With four weeks to go, your baby is almost ready! This week, the fat is dimpling on the elbows and knees as well as forming creases in the neck and wrists. The baby's brain is still developing, he/she is around 6lbs in weight and is almost 19 inches long.

You may notice that the baby has dropped at this point and you'll feel the shift in pressure lower in your abdomen. This is the birth position and it means your due date is getting close. In fact, you could go in to labor any time now!

Well, the good thing is, my OB said that I currently have a 5 pounder in me. So even if I'm 2 weeks overdue, he/she'll probably will be about 7 lbs. Phew! That's a huge relief. I was starting to wonder if I was carrying a 10 lb roaster!

Things are really getting down to the line now....anytime after next week, baby will be fine to come out (he/she wouldn't be classified as premature anymore anytime after the 38th week). Although my dr was saying that he's not expecting an early arrival, from the look of things.

So, we've started really working on finishing up (ok, in some cases, finally starting) projects around the house and just random stuff that needs to be done before our guest arrives. And I don't just mean my baby, but we'll be having a house full of people in about...oh...less than 3 weeks? I'm starting to wonder if I even have enough towels to go around!

One of the definite must-dos is to refinish the bathtub downstairs. Simply because it's gross (thanks to us using it as a dumping/washing ground for all our paint supplies) and there's only 2 bathrooms in the house, and I'd really rather avoid people having to track up the stairs to shower. So my poor hubby had to suffer through the horrible fumes to have it reglazed. I was a little afraid that I'll come downstairs to a comatose husband...the fumes were awful, and even the little lingering odor that I could smell through shut doors upstairs was enough to make my kid curl up in my stomach. He/she has not been a happy camper lately, probably because of all the things I'm "putting it through".


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