Saturday, February 28, 2009
The End
Friday, February 20, 2009
A Step Up
Isabel has moved into the guest room for her naps. And she's loving it...because she actually stays asleep for longer than 2 minutes in it (which, by the way, is the record time for how long she stays sleeping in the bassinet)
Which is good for me, since I can then use the time to do things that keep me sane. I.e cleaning the whole kitchen from top to bottom - Yes, I do realize that the previous sentence in and of itself is enough for one to proclaim that I've already lost my marbles (Clean the kitchen when you can be sleeping??) What can I say? I'm my mother's child.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
All Gone =(
Adds a little sweetness and comfort back into life. Plus, it comes in handy when all of my mom's thoughfully prepared meals are gone.
Cake and a diet coke for dinner, anyone?
How To Take A Bath