Friday, January 08, 2010

She.Is. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.

Ana from Knock-Off Wood was featured on Ucreate today, and I have never been as excited as this since we bought our air compressor to channel fab Holly.

Ana builds furniture.

AND she very, very graciously posts the plans to them.

We are talking about Pottery Barn furniture, people. Do you know how overpriced PB furniture are?

I was eyeing something like this for Isabel's big girl room transition to fit the overwhelming number of books that I've been feverishly buying since garage sales started popping up like mushrooms last summer (And who am I kidding, the room wasn't ever fully completed as a nursery)

These shelves cost $239.


And that's a sale price.

She built hers for $60

Did I mention she made TWO for that $60 price?
I think I may love her.


Amber said...

wow that is AMAZING! wow!

Jenny said...

Looks very good!still haven't started on my bedrooms!